Monday, February 26, 2007

Muse Live In KL

Date: 25th February 2007
Location: Stadium Negara, Kuala Lumpur
Time: 8.30 - 11.30 pm

The crowd was so huge starting from 6.30 at the entrance of the stadium. I was there at 7.30 pm but there are still large crowd waiting for the entrance. I manage to get in the stadium at 7.45 pm.

The show start around 900 pm. When Matt, Dominic and Chris appear on the stage, the crowd give them a big applause and waiting for their first song. They do play a lot of song within the 2 hours of concert. From the latest album, 'Black Holes and Revolution', 'Stockholm Syndrome', 'Absolution'; there were about 15 songs that they played during the concert.

I really enjoyed the concert as I am a big fan of muse and I do buy their albums. I know Muse since I was in form 5, when my brother bring their album back to home. I thought they are really cool rock band and they were and they still are. Muse rox dude!!

I got all the pictures from my brother's friends who take the picture using his handphone. As my handphone got no cameras (cikai one), so I just take the picture from him. HeHeHe. And this picture was taken from 'The Rock Zone Area'. Wasn't it cool???

For this concert, I give 4.9 out of 5 rating to Muse performance. Why I didn't give them full credit, because of the bad sound system that the organizer provide to them.
But overall, it's a worth it watching concert!!Muse Rox Dude!!!

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