Monday, April 16, 2007

naive sick chasm

"either im sick or purified
acidity or jealousy
i neednt wanna be complete
retarded cause its out life
i suddenly realize
for all the things that dont invite
for now you got same the mine
for now you got the mine
for now go all the slip away
and never answering why
i will like smile

im sick and tired this life
of the above be can find
another tune is what we need
is to above thats the way
i will like smile
and never answering why"

I am sick and tired of my life. Being loved, being hatred, being cared, being left. I didnt choose to live this way of life, but life choose themselves. People come, people hurt, people go. And all I get is BLEED.


Anonymous said...

saya suke entry ini!!!!!
i like~~~~
i mean the way you expressed it.


Hani said...

tho i dont know the whole story but i do get the idea.

so here i am telling you the lost common thing you probably always heard before



ps: another common thing: life has its ups and downs. :)

Anonymous said...

same aa kite zac, aku tak bape nk paham post ni exp kat tajuk tu. -_-

Anonymous said...

Most of our life, all we just do over and over again is just bleed, and remind ourself to think of blood each every time when we see anything red.

But something we ought to forget is this:
What do we do when we bleed?

Do we just:
- let ourself bleed to death?
- let the wound worsen and infected by the kuman-kuman?
- see a doctor?
- heal the wound ourself?
- let our ally help us to stitch the wound?
- put minyak gamat to it?
- heal it and leave the scar as a reminder?

Even though in the end we will just keep repeating to bleed again and again, our own body will just keep on healing again and again to keep on surviving.

There are many things we could do, many options to choose. Stop looking for a purpose as to why you are here. Create it. Life is not a process of DISCOVERY, but a process of CREATION.

Only then we will realize..
Blood is not the only thing in this world that is colored red.

BMahendran said...

humans. we get tired. we get loved,hated,cared,spitted on, kicked, licked, thrown down, thrown up, clapped upon, slapped up, f up, cries, laughter..the list goes on

but what keeps mankind going on? HOPE. we never give up hope, it is that single element of human feeling that keeps things going on and on. we know one day everything will be fine, that is HOPE.

So stay strong shima, and hope for the best to happen soon!

Husna said...

when everything seems to fall apart, hold on to your faith. that life as we know it, ain't fair.

"Dia uji kita ikut kemampuan kita"

if i do not live by this quote, i would be committed suicide now.

being hatred? we can always choose friends whom love us.

so, hold your chin up! :)