Thursday, March 08, 2007

UEFA Champs League

Title: UEFA Champions League- Knockout Round
Date: 7 & 8 March 2007
Venue: All MediaPrima TV Chanel
Time: 3.00 am-6.00 am

For two days, (yesterday n this morning), I was burning my early morning oil to watch my most wanted match of UEFA Champions League-Knockout Round. Yesterday, I watch Liverpool VS Barcelona, which has qualified Liverpool to enter Quarter Final even they lose 1-0 to Barcelona, as they have won 2-1 at Away Home. The match are quite interesting, as Barcelona played with different style an strategy, which are way better off before. And even Ronaldinho do try to shot one nice shot, but unfortunately blocked by the keeper. So, one of my not-favourite EPL Team have enter Quarter Final. Plus, Chelsea won with agregate 2-1 versus Porto. Roma, with Totti the main focus player in the team and Valencia also qualified to the next round.

And today, my most favourite club, AC Milan succeed to the next round by beating Celtic FC down with 1-0 scored by my DREAMBOY, KAKA. It was in first-half extra time at 93 minutes, when he alone, from the middle of the field bring the ball towards the goal and scored. Fantastic. Nice. Aku Kagum Dengan Kamu, Kaka. Milan holds 55% ball possession, which shows that they really control the game. They even do 29 shots to the goal, while 8 by Celtic. Kaka, Inzaghi, Gatusso, Pirlo, Seedorf, Ambrosini, Paolo Maldini, Gilardino, Dida, Oddo, Jankulovski, Bonera; you guys are DAMN GREAT FOOTBALL PLAYER!!! I just love u guys. Plus, Bayern Munich, Manchester United and PSV Eindhoven do qualified to the next round. Sorry to say, but Manchester is my not listed club to enter the next round, but they do qualify. DAMN.

Eventhough I didn't had my sleep well for 2 days, but I am quite satisfied with the game that I had watched. Forza Milan~ And know wat, I also bought 2 cups of coffee today to make me stay working until 5 pm. HaHa.


Anonymous said...

xaci...celtic men best...xpatut kalah....milan dah cuak tu,kalo men penalti kompem kalah dgn losernyer,huahua...

asotoko said...

makan bola..minum bola..tido boleh..
hehehehe~ shima power~

simah said...

anonymous: aiyark.sape kamu? haha. celtic men best? sure? selain dr great ball passing n average defender and midfielder, aku xrase celtic men best. n after gravesen masuk baru la celtic ligat sket. baru tuka strategy. but even in the 1st half, celtic xbyk shot. sorry to say. celtic men xbes smlm. game dulu lg better. n milan improved byk. they were terumbang-ambing ari tu. tp now, they have found their path. haha. milan GREAT!!

aso: haha. bola xley dipisahkan dr aku. even xley tido lps tgk bola. huhu. :)

Anonymous said...

haha..sape aku?soalan yg rr nk jawab...cari2 sdiri rr,sape soh peromote blog kat status sgt,kan aku dah msk...kuang3x...wlaupon celtic main cam tapir, milan tetap xley score, after 90 minutes laa baru kaka nk tjk kaki die tu xsetempang player2 lain,huahua...(knape aku sokong celtic nih?padahal aku sokong chelsea,hahaha)i xtgk tv,tgk pki wireless pinjam sudaa..haha..

aso: keje2,jgn men tenet...kate nk skor intern cam aku....

simah said...

anonymous: hurm. u want to keep ur identity secret?? oke~ biarlah rahsia~ haha. about the match, actually milan byk gile chances but they just lack people to finish it. plus, celtic defender are not the nubi2 one, that make it harder. I guess. huhu. xkire la cmne gamenye, the result is MILAN WIN. HaHa. chelsea?? hurm. i heard some of my staff talking yesterday. they said chelsea menang nasib je tuh. haha. btul ke? seb baik la sheva masuk chelsea, kalo still dlm milan, kompem chelsea da out. believe me~~ haha.

Anonymous said...

sure best.

p.s. whatever man...

Hani said...

hoi ape lak dreamboy. cett. jambu gile je bunyik. lemoh.

ala. sy syg kaka ngn gatusso gk. bole?

xtgk r weh. derang menang ke? neh tambah2 syg neh. heh heh.

simah said...

raje: aku pon xsaba kalo ade match liverpool vs milan. kompem milan malukan liverpool aa..EPL club sucks~ haha..

p/s- aku keji ari neh.

hani: dreamboy aa..sbb die da kawen. boley dream je. actually dr pg aku dah lemoh. *dgr lagu BSB n Acha pg2 td* drang mng la z. masuk quarter UEFA. sile refer buletin utama (sukan) pada mlm ini, jam 8.45mlm. HeHeHe.

Fazira Albaijure said...

oh. minat bola rupanya sima ni. hehe.

simah said...

kak sara: hehehe. ye kak sara. saye minat bola. tq singgah. ;)