Wednesday, April 11, 2007


intro :
i have been so fucked up busy with my life and i just could not have enough time to update my own blog.

my life is a messed up. my weekdays is fully-booked, and my weekends too. i hate to not have a free-time for myself. i need time to do my hair, my nails and laundry. DAMN!!

people said that there will always someone who reminds you when you remind someone. not that someone you remind will remind you at the same time, but there's someone else that reminds you when you reminds someone else. is that saying true?

"when i woke up this morning, i just remembered of you, and that's the reason I YM you early morning today" someone told me this morning. and i at the same time, figured out who i remembered this morning.unfortunately, i found null. When i woke up this morning, i only remembered to iron my pants and shirts for work, to get everything that i need (Timber wallet, Moto W220 Handphone, Moto headset , Maybelline Lipgloss) into my Cheras Downtown cheap Handbag.

maybe you guys just dont understand what i wanted to tell you in this post, but i found out that there is no reason or no coincidentally in remembering someone. you will remembered someone when you wanted to. there is no such telepathy-postive negative ion, and no science can ever prove that you need to remember someone so that you will be remembered by someone else. HiHu.

from my recently weekends, i found out that between families have stronger instinct to remember to each other than friends or even bestfriends. how do i know?? everytime that i remembered my mom, dad or my bros, i will directly call them, but when i remembered of my friends, i wouldn't call or message directly, but i keep on postponing to call or msg, end up i will forget about them sooner or later. :P

thanks to chuna, raje, ain and zac for a great PD Vacation, not forgotten sorry a lot to Durus as I cannot make it to meet you and watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Trully sorry (1000x).

Fucked-off, Manchester beat down Roma fiercely yesterday (7-1 aggr 8-3). could not believe it..couldnt wait for Milan match today.


Anonymous said...

I really like this kind of entry. Sooo philosophical lo.. The type that made one's self to think deeper, to discover one's thought, and thus create his/her own self and belief towards something. Maaaaanyak best lo..

Perhaps the 'someone' that we remember after being reminded by 'someone else' is our own self. And perhaps that 'someone else' too is our own self.

Sometimes, we ought to think about the outside factors which affect us. While the truth is, it's always occur in the inside without we even realized it.

To simplify, we are like a shampoo - "2 in 1". It's like two different characters stuck in one body. Maybe that's why sometimes, when we are alone, we just talk to ourself. We are the one asking questions, and we also the one answering them. Sounds stupid. But we sometimes doing it without realizing it.

Genjo 1: Haiyo.. What am I talking meh?
Genjo 2: Talk what else? Garbage la..!! Ma hai..!!
Genjo 1: Ya lor.. You win laa.. i admit defeat la like this..
Genjo 2: Wahahahahah!!

Husna said...

as for myself, whenever i think about my parents (esp my Mama), MOST of the time, she will call me several minutes later. it's as if we are thinking of each other, at the same time.

i always think it is true that when someone crossed your mind, the particular someone is thinking of you too (exceptional for celebrities cuz when i think of Justin Timberlake, he never calls me :P)


so perhaps, when you're thinking of me, remember that maybe at the same time, i am thinking of you, rumet :)

Anonymous said...

have you ever got this kind of msg.

i want to remind you to remind me of remembering you remember me so that i wont forget remembering you remembering me.

some sort like that.
yeah.the first thing would be our family.
family first.

friends and family are different.
but they both can be the same.

kawan sampai lebam :)

Hani said...

bila saya rindukan Awal, dia akan keluar kt TV. he-he. bole ke?

btw retail therapy sounds good. mcm best. :D

ps: PD is a great BEGINNING. he-he evil laugh!

Anonymous said...

wehhhhh.... aaaaa..
sampai xsempat nk diskas ngn ko pasl match man-u-suck ngn romaa..

Yoi pagi2 dah tego aku teh next day.
and went he told me about it,
aku dah jaw dropped giler2.
siao aa weyhh!! hahaha
tapi aku hanyer mampu gembira utk die.
totti sure frust gler #$%^
damn.. mmg speechless aa.
1st half dah 4-0..
terpakse admit. NICE ONE AA MAN-U-SUCK! ;)

p.s. okay2.. aku mmg nk komen psl2 remember and to be remembered neh.. tp bola cm tempting giler. -_-" :D

simah said...

Sorry Guys, aint got enough of time to reply to all comments.

Genjo_sanzo: Yeah rite. sometime, we like to think of others instead of thinking of our own self. sumtime. and people always think about what others think instead of their own thoughts. im surely agree we got 2 diff people in ourself. i did talk to myself most of the time. HeHe. Kind of weirdo rite~

Husna: haha. sumetime it happens to me too husna. but, i'd rather think that its an instinct of a mum. thanks. ill always remember you when watching muvie i guess. coz my first muvie in IPOH is with you and fara boo. sure ill remember. HeHe.

cartoon:wah...susahnye nk phm msg tuh mule2 bace. aku kene bace like 3-4 x, nk phm.. haha. but thats quite true actually. hehe. famiy n fren are like family. but family is family, and fren can be like family. for me la~ haha.

Hani: hurm..retail therapy tuh ape..haha..aku slalu igt ko waktu tgk match Milan.pasti.setiap kali. sbb ko la ahli pompuan #acmilan.yeahh...rite~

raje: haha..yeah...footie can be more tempting than people's thought sumtime. when tired of people's thought, we should find footie. i guess. haha. tp mmg truk hell ari tuh aku tgk. suck weyyy.. n milan meet man utd. and hope to have a final re-match with liverpool again this uefa champs. hope~ haha.