Friday, March 02, 2007

What Women Want

Title: What Women Want
Date: 1 March 2007
Time: 10.30 pm- 11.30pm
Location: Channel 8TV

As I was coming home from PERMATA, Bangi yesterday, Zac send SMS to me; Seema!Hafizzz!!. And I suddenly remember, my favorite shows lately, What Women Want showed in 8TV. And it is the Finale Episode. How can I possible forget my date with Hafiz!! AAAaargghh..~~

Luckily, my SV, Pip, do knows the area of my house and I arrived 5 minutes after Z's SMS arrived to me. I quickly rushed to meet my cousin at MZ (a mamak stall in front of my house) to watch that show. Fiercely, I ask the mamak guy to change the Astro channel 80 to channel 8TV. Maybe after seeing my fierce, wild face, the mamak guy followed my order. HAHA. Pity him.

Calmly, I watch the shows, and guess what?> My Hubby-To-Be, Hafiz won it!! Kesian Charles. HaHa. And guess what! I even scream my lungs out when Hafiz was announced to be the winner of What Women Wants!!!! Screaming at Mamak Stall! Yeah right~And I am so damn satisfied with the judges as they do not pick a-FRANCE guy to be the guy whom 'What Women Want'.

Rating for this show: 4.4
Why? Because sometime I wish that the judges that they pick should be me and Zac!! HaHa.

p/s- Here are HOT Guys that was eliminated earlier.


Hani said...

christian tuh HOT ke.


xHOT.but hes what women want. igt x ep drv tuh. aaa. nk kawennn.

apis, pikmi to london!

Anonymous said...

i want charles. aaaaaa....
apis is skinny and sometimes thinks to highly about himself.



Anonymous said...

alaaaa... nk ckp suke talhah sbnrnyer..
tp.. short.


simah said...

z: christian hot dowh..gile muke innocent + baby face. n i'm quite impressed sbb die brjaye learn how to drive a manual lotus car within 1 hour. damn dat's so cool~ lelaki impian ke-7...haha..

raje: charles is actually from France Raje, and PLEASE SUPPORT OUR MALAYSIAN GUYS. haha. talhah is so damn handsome. how i wish to meet him even in my dream..but i still prefer HAFIZ sbb die hairstylist yg comel~ ;)

Hani said...

helo, NICHOLL ok!

boleh sy kawen dgn nico, atau ADRIAN J!

aaa. we want what women want!!!!!

Anonymous said...

aku mule2 ingt hafiz ni antara org2 yg awal keluar tp at the end diye yg menang?ceit~

jambu gler xleyh blah~

simah said...

z: nichol?? not the type dat i like. and adrian too. haha. but they are hot too. guess our selera are different.haha.

cartoon: haha.sume pon kate hafiz kuar awal. tp aku ttp percaye hafiz boley bt. and he did it~jambu?? hurm....comel la ain~ suke sgt die..die caring~ huhu. AKU SUKE HAFIZ......!!!!!!!